Access to the Recordings, Slides, + Workbook
From the Three Day
Words For Your Website Challenge™

You're productive and organized.
Your family and friends know you as someone who GETS. THINGS. DONE.

But when it comes to writing the words for your website, you suddenly remember...
  • the Instagram reels that need making.

  • the pantries that need organizing.

  • the grout that needs replacing — in all of your bathrooms! 😆

You want your website to . . .

  • ATTRACT the people you LOVE to work with.​

  • CONNECT with your readers so they know you're the solution to their problem.

  • inspire people to TAKE ACTION and call you, book an appointment, buy the thing — whatever it is that you're creating your website for in the first place!

Because the fact is, you love what you do and you want to help MORE people simplify their lives — but the RIGHT people —

the ones who light you up!

And guess how you do that?

With words.

If you're overcomplicating the words in your business, you'll want to watch the replays from the Words For Your Website Challenge™.

Your website is the face of your business. It can make or break whether you —​

  • Reach more people
  • Change more lives
  • Increase revenue
  • Feel more fulfilled and connected

• Learn the most important words you can use on your website.

• How to identify those words.

• How to keep it simple!

• What attracts the people you LOVE working with.

• How to ensure your website isn't a snooze fest.

• Ways to separate yourself from others and stand out.

• Know what to do when you're stuck with a blank page.

• See my process for writing a website. Hint: I never start on the home page!

• Take ACTION toward loving the words on your website!

Video Recordings + Slides + Workbook

  Welcome! Everything you need to know about The Words For Your Website Challenge™
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day One — Words For Your Website Challenge™
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day Two — Words For Your Website Challenge™
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day Three — Words For Your Website Challenge™
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Masterclass: Even Copywriters Need Rewrites
Available in days
days after you enroll